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Saturday, December 26, 2009

2010: Year of the Tiger

2009 is about to end and there is just one week more to go before we enter the 2010, year of the tiger. According to the Chinese calendar, Year of the Tiger will begin on February 14, 2010 and ends on February 2, 2011. Tiger is the third sign of the twelve animal signs.

What is waiting for me on 2010? Annually, I ask this question to myself and I know you are doing it too. Personally, each new year is a great blessing for me that comes with excitement and happiness. Excitement because I know I will learn again new things like I do everyday, continue to live and move on. Happiness because God still gave me this wonderful chance to let me live the new year. Each new year I am very thankful for the previous one. Like in 2009, I experience a lot that molded me more as a person and a servant of God. I realized a lot of stuff and experienced joy and pain that made me stronger and more courageous. I hope in the coming year, the Year of the Tiger, I hope everything will be okay for my family, friends and for myself. I can't wait to welcome 2010.

Thank you 2009. Welcome 2010.

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