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Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My New Year's Resolution

First of all let's make this clear that I don't usually make New Year's Resolution but this year I guess would be different. On the previous years I feel those resolutions will end up with nothing I mean I will end up NOT doing those resolutions. But like I said, this year is much different.

My one and only resolution for this year that I am really keeping secretly to myself (not until you read this) is to workout, to work my body out. I am not fat. I am not over weight. I am skinny and I want to gain more weight. I want to gain more self confidence. I have lots of things in my mind right now. Some are to buy dip station that I can use, read more books and articles that can help me slightly build up my body.

Actually I am doing some exercises now like playing badminton every weekend, stretching and all that every morning. Honestly, I still don't have that enough time to go to the gym because I still got to finish some stuffs at school but I will really try hard to try home workout through the help of articles, videos and other simple equipments.

This 2010 I will be more healthy. This 2010 everything will be different (but of course for a better me). This 2010...oh I am so excited, lol.

1 comment:

The Hawg! said...

Good luck on keeping that resolution -- hope you make it. Mine, of course, it to watch more television this year. I know I can do it if I try ;)

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