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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Early Responsibilities

I just turned 22 last month and I guess I must say that I am not young enough anymore to be carefree and ignore the things that I must get to have a better life. I mean, those young and crazy days are gone and here I am, about to face what lies ahead.

First, I know I must get my own life insurance. I still don't have one. Mom's been telling me about this and about this website. She told me to check that out for my life insurance. Also, it is very important I know to find a stable job. I still don't have one. Although I have blogging and other online sidelines, it would still be better to be part in a working community as well. In that way, I will grow as a person and as a real employee. Furthermore, having my own savings account is very important. I am so glad to say that I have one already and still saving to have a better life.

There are still things that I must consider now. I should know my responsibilities as a son, a brother, a friend and of course, a citizen of this country.

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