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Monday, January 2, 2012

Christmas and New Year's Gifts

For almost all of us, New Year brings new hope to our individual lives and families. We must leave the past behind and welcome the New Year with a big smile, courage, love and faith in one God. I wish everyone a prosperous 2012 and a happier life for all of us.

Anyway, I celebrated Christmas and New Year with my whole family. Every year we look forward for this big holiday because it is the happiest day of the year. This year, it was still the happiest. I saw my cousins from the other cities who came over, uncles and aunts, friends and those people who I did not expect to see. It was a wonderful experience. It was still one of the most memorable Christmas ever. I got gifts and my favorite of all was the electric blankets I got from my uncle. He said it would help me have a good night sleep, which I absolutely need by the way. I was really happy.

Today is the second day of the year and everything is fine. I love it.

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