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Saturday, December 26, 2009

Our Dog Died

I woke up early this morning with a very bad news that our very own Lhery passed away. We knew that she was sick for days because she never wants to eat anymore. She is so weak these past days and we really don't know anymore what to do. Last night before leaving for a Christmas party, we let her drink some milk and we were so happy when she drank it all. We thought she will be doing great later on. So when we arrived from the party, we saw her tails wiggle but still she did not stand. We were somehow happy that she did that and we all thought she is now okay. So I woke up this morning and saw her not moving. My siblings tried to wake her up and still she did not move. We all know from that moment that she died already.

Lherny was a very brave and loyal dog. I can still remember when she was younger, we let her sleep in our mattress beside us with our allergy mattress covers on it. She was really loved and I know she loved us in return. Before we buried Lherny, we thank her for her loyalty and the joy she gave for our family. We will always love that special dog bestfriend. Rest in peace Lherny.

I am sad now. As I am writing this post, I remember all that we've been through...

Lherny left us with three five-month old cute puppies.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am so sorry to hear about your loss. My wife and I love our puppies like they were our children.

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